Wednesday, August 21, 2013


TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the correct answer.

1.    In this part of the Mass, the celebrant says, “Through him, and with him, and in him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, forever and ever.”  (Doxology, Institution Narrative,  Epiclesis)
2.    The hymn: “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!” is known as: (Agnus Dei, Gloria, Sanctus)
3.    In this part of the Mass, the Church recalls Christ’s saving acts — His passion, death, resurrection and ascension into heaven that redeemed, saved, restored and sanctified humanity. (Anamnesis,  Communion, Consecration)
4.    The First Reading is usually taken from (Old Testament, New Testament, Gospels)
5.    This prayer opens the Communion Rite. (Apostles’ Creed, Gloria, Our Father)
6.    In this prayer, the Church implores the power of the Holy Spirit that the gifts of bread and wine offered by human hands be consecrated, that is, become Christ's Body and Blood.  (Blessing, Epiclesis, Offering)
7.    This part makes us to understand the Scripture readings and their relevance in or connection to our lives today, for the world we live in and for the issues that affect our community. (Homily, Penitential Rite, Profession of Faith)
8.    The marvelous conversion of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ during consecration. (Transfiguration, Transition, Transubstantiation)
9.    What is the meaning of the word “Eucharist”? (Adoration, Offering, Thanksgiving)
10. Under these appearances, Jesus Christ is really and substantially present among us in the Eucharist. (Bread and Wine,  People of God, Word of God)
11. Which mysteries of the Holy Rosary capture the spirit of Lenten season?  (Glorious,  Luminous, Sorrowful)
12. To this particular saint was attributed the spread of the devotion to the Holy Rosary. (Augustine, Benedict, Dominic)
13. The salient events of Jesus’ public life are meditated upon these mysteries.  (Glorious,  Joyful, Luminous)
14. What mysteries do we reflect every Thursday? (Glorious, Luminous, Sorrowful)
15. On this day, we join the whole Church in celebrating the feast of the Most Holy Rosary? (September  8, October 7, December 8)

TEST II. MATCHING TYPE. Match column A with the terms in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.

Column A
Column B

1.      angels of peace, penance and prayer _K
2.      announced the miraculous births of John the Baptist and Jesus _J
3.      central rite of Christian worship which brings in Christ’s Real Presence _L
4.      Christ’s return in the end times to judge the living and the dead _T
5.      compendium of the entire Gospel _M
6.      definitive entrance of Jesus’ humanity into God’s heavenly glory _B
7.      first day of Lent _C
8.      God is one with three distinct divine persons. _X
9.      greatest of all Christian feast and festivals _H
10.   Jesus ‘conception in Mary’s womb through the power of the Holy Spirit _Y
11.   Jesus’ escape from the bonds of death and corruption by His own power _V
12.   Jesus’ sojourn to the realm of the dead to bring salvation to the souls of the just _G
13.   liturgical season that opens the liturgical calendar _A
14.   longest liturgical season _R
15.   Mary’s body  being taken up to heaven body and soul by God’s power _D
16.   Mary’s conception without sin in preparation for her divine motherhood _N
17.   most brilliant, most perfect and glorious creatures of the spirit world _W
18.   state of deprivation or the loss of man’s original holiness and justice _S
19.   summit and masterpiece of God’s creation
20.   the Messiah, the anointed one _P

A.      Advent
B.      Ascension
C.      Ash Wednesday
D.     Assumption
E.      Christ
F.      Christ the King Sunday
G.     Descent into Hell
H.      Easter
I.       Ever-Virgin
J.       Gabriel
K.      Guardian Angels
L.      Holy Eucharist
M.     Holy Rosary
N.     Immaculate Conception
O.     Lent
P.      Man
Q.     Michael
R.      Ordinary Time
S.      Original Sin
T.      Parousia
U.      Redemption
V.      Resurrection
W.    Seraphim
X.      Trinity
Y.      Virginal Conception

TEST III. Identify the Parts of the Mass. Write letters only.



1.            Blessing _ E. CONCLUDING RITE
2.            Communion _ D. COMMUNION RITE
3.            Dismissal _ E. CONCLUDING RITE
4.            Epiclesis _ C. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST
5.            First Reading _ B. LITURGY OF THE WORD
6.            Gloria _A. INTRODUCTORY RITES
7.            Gospel Reading _ B. LITURGY OF THE WORD
8.            Homily _ B. LITURGY OF THE WORD
9.            Institution Narrative _ C. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST
10.         Lamb of God _ D. COMMUNION RITE
11.         Our Father _ D. COMMUNION RITE
12.         Prayers of the Faithful _ B. LITURGY OF THE WORD
13.         Responsorial Psalm _ B. LITURGY OF THE WORD
14.         Sanctus _ C. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST
15.         Second Reading _ B. LITURGY OF THE WORD

TEST IV. Fill in the missing parts in praying the Holy Rosary. Write the correct answer.

Sign of the Cross

1.    Apostle’s Creed and Our Father

Three Hail Marys

2.    Glory to the Father

The First Sorrowful Mystery: THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN

Our Father

3.    10 Hail Marys

4.    Glory to the Father

Fatima Prayer

5.    The Second Sorrowful Mystery: THE SCOURGING AT THE PILLAR

6.    Our Father

10 Hail Marys

Glory to the Father

7.    Glory to the Father

The Third Sorrowful Mystery: THE CROWNING WITH THORNS.

8.    Our Father

10 Hail Marys

Glory to the Father

9.    Fatima Prayer

10. The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: THE CARRYING OF THE CROSS

11. Our Father

12. 10 Hail Marys

13. Glory to the Father

Fatima Prayer


Our Father

10 Hail Marys

14. Glory to the Father

Fatima Prayer

15. Hail, Holy Queen

Concluding Prayer of the Rosary

Sign of the Cross

TEST V. Write number 1 -12 in your paper and arrange the ORDER OF LETTERS to sequence the Articles of the Apostle’s Creed. Write letters only.

A.      From there he will come again to judge the living and the dead. _7
B.      He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the Father almighty. _6
C.      He descended into the dead, on the third day He rose again. _5
D.     He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. _4
E.      He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. _3
F.      I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. _1
G.     I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord. _2
H.      I believe in life everlasting. _12
I.       I believe in the forgiveness of sins. _10
J.       I believe in the holy Catholic Church, communion of saints. _9
K.      I believe in the Holy Spirit. _8
L.      I believe in the resurrection of the body. _11


TEST I. Classify the following items if they are Catholic or Protestant.

01. Augsburg Confession_Protestant
02. clerical celibacy_Catholic
03. denial of Christ’s presence in the Mass_Protestant
04. prayers for the dead_Catholic
05. seven ritual sacraments as instituted by Christ_Catholic
06. justification by faith alone_Protestant
07. ministerial priesthood_Catholic
08. Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed_Catholic
09. priesthood of all believers emphasized_Protestant
10. private interpretation of the Bible_Protestant
11. rejection of purgatory_Protestant
12. repudiation of the merits of good works_Protestant
13. sacramental forgiveness of sins_Catholic
14. Sacred Tradition as co-equal with Scriptures_Catholic
15. salvation by works as well as by faith_Catholic
16. sole authority of Scriptures_Protestant
17. exclusion of apocryphal books of the Bible_Protestant
18. efficacy of relics and indulgence_Catholic
19. veneration of the Virgin Mary and the saints_Catholic
20. withdrawal of submission from the Supreme Pontiff_Protestant
TEST II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write HISTORY if the statement is true. If false, change only the underlined word/s to make it correct. (2 points for each correct answer)

01. Catacombs are underground Roman columbarium. _cemeteries
02. Rome was the place where the followers of Christ were called Christians for the first time. _Antioch
03. Pentecost was the event in 64 A.D. which ignited the bloody persecution of Christians in Rome. _Burning of Rome
04. The papal seat was removed from Rome to Spain during the Babylonian Captivity of the Popes (1309-1377). _France
05. Knights or military orders were founded for the well-being of Christian pilgrims in Holy Land. HISTORY
06. The Greek Orthodox Church originated from the Eastern Schism. HISTORY
07. Martin Luther was a Dominican monk whose 95 theses started the Protestant Reformation. _Augustinian
08. Nestorianism teaches that Jesus has two distinct personshuman and divine. HISTORY
09. The word “mendicant” simply means “resignation to the will of God.” _Islam
10. The first historic crusade of the Church against the Moslems was launched by Urban II in 1095. HISTORY
11. The Council of Pisa was considered a counter-Catholic Reformation in the sixteenth century. _Trent
12. Gnosticism considers the use of images and relics as superstitious and idolatrous. _Iconoclasm
13. Arians refuses to accept the divine sonship of Jesus. HISTORY
14. Doctors of the Church are saintly theologians, writers and teachers who belonged to the period of antiquity. _Fathers
15. Second Vatican Council is the twenty-first ecumenical council held in the Church. HISTORY

TEST III. ANALOGY.  Complete the comparison below by filling-in the correct word.

01. The Holy Bible is to Christianity as ­­­Koran is to Islam
02. John Calvin is to Presbyterians as Henry VIII is to Anglicans.
03. Saint Albert is to Carmelites as Saint Bruno is to Carthusians.
04. Monophysitism is to Jesus’ nature as Monotheletism is to Jesus’ will.
05. Lauds is to Morning Prayer as Vespers is to Evening Prayer.
06. Hermit is to monk who lives alone as Cenobite is to monk who lives in a community.
07. Christotokos is to Mary, Mother of Christ as Theotokos is to Mary, Mother of God.
08. Ascension is to Christ as Pentecost is to Holy Spirit.
09. Heresy is to denial of the Catholic faith as Schism is to separation from the Church.
10.  April 2 is to Saint Pedro Calungsod as September 28 is to Saint Lorenzo Ruiz
11. Saint Agatha is to breasts being cut-off as Saint Sebastian is to piercing of arrows.
12. James, son of Zebedee is to John as Peter is to Andrew.
13. Ananias is to Paul as Peter is to Cornelius.
14. Abbot is to the monastic community of men as to Abbess is to the female monastic community.
15. Saint Patrick is to Ireland as­ Saint Boniface is to Germany.
16. Saint Leo the Great is to Huns as Saint Gregory the Great is to Lombards.
17. Arianism is to Jesus Christ’s divinity as Macedonianism is to Holy Spirit’s divinity.
18. Ramadan is to fasting as Hadj is to pilgrimage to Mecca.
19. Knights Templar is to assistance to pilgrims in Holy Land as Knights Hospitaller is to working with the sick people.
20. James the Great is to first martyr-Apostle as Stephen is to first Christian martyr.
21. Sts. Cyril and Methodius are to Slavic nations as Sts. Leander and Isidore are to Sts. Leander and Isidore of Seville
22. Saint Anthony is to Early Monasticism as Saint Benedict is to Western Monasticism.
23. John Calvin is to Protestantism in Geneva as John Knox is to Protestantism in Scotland.
24. Patriarch Athenagoras I is to Greek Orthodox Christians as Pope Paul VI is to Roman Catholics.
25. Saint Teresa of Avila is to Carmelites as Saint Ignatius of Loyola is to Jesuits.

TEST IV.  Enumerate the following:

Characteristics of the First Christian Community in Jerusalem
1.    one heart and one mind
2.    life centered on the teachings of the Apostles
3.    distribution of goods according to one’s needs
4.    breaking of bread
5.    daily attendance in prayer service
Famous Latin Fathers of the Church
1.    Saint Augustine
2.    Saint Jerome
3.    Saint Ambrose
4.    Saint Gregory the Great

Two New Doctors of the Church
1.    Saint John of Avila
2.    Saint Hildegard

Famous Medieval Monastic Orders
1.    Carthusians
2.    Cistercians
3.    Augustinians
4.    Dominicans
5.    Franciscans
6.    Carmelites

Pillars of the Islam
1.    faith in Allah and in his prophet Mohammed
2.    fasting during Ramadan
3.    almsgiving
4.    prayer five times a day facing Mecca
5.    pilgrimage to Mecca