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St. Paul preaching in Athens |
CHAPTERS 21 – 28
1. Sailing from Miletus, what cities Paul passed through before reaching Tyre?
2. What was the common request made to Paul at Tyre and Caesarea?
3. What two groups made this common request of Paul in Tyre and Caesarea?
4. What was Paul ready to do in Jerusalem?
5. When Paul would not be persuaded, what did the brethren say?
6. Who was that Greek man whom the Jews saw Paul brought into the temple which caused the Jews to riot?
7. What did the Jewish mob do to Paul?
8. Who took Paul and had him bound with chains
9. Why did the soldiers have to carry Paul at the stairs?
10. When Paul asked to speak to the commander, what two questions did he ask Paul? How did Paul respond?
11. With the commander’s permission, in what language did Paul speak to the people?
12. Paul used to describe himself as a Jew, born in _____ of Cilicia, brought up in Jerusalem at the feet of _____.
13. Who told Paul to “Make haste and get out of Jerusalem quickly, for they will not receive your testimony concerning me.”
14. What did Paul ask the centurion, as they were binding him?
15. What was the reaction of the centurion and soldiers after knowing that Paul was a Roman?
16. How did Paul begin his address to the Sanhedrin?
17. The high priest commanded Paul to be struck on the mouth in response to his address.
18. What difference Paul noted between the Sadducees and Pharisees as two conflicting parties?
19. Who said, “We find no evil in this man?” What was their recommendation?
20. Why did the commander order that Paul be taken to the barracks?
21. Who appeared to Paul the following night and told him, “Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome”?
22. How many Jews vowed not to eat or drink until they killed Paul to do?
23. Who heard about the ambush of Paul by the plotting Jews?
24. What did he do next after hearing the planned ambush of Paul?
25. What was the name of the commander who told the young man to tell no one about the plan to ambush Paul?
26. How many soldiers, horsemen and spearmen were prepared by two centurions at the order of the commander to go to Caesarea to take Paul to Felix by night?
27. Where was Paul kept, while waiting for the accusers?
28. How long Paul was held waiting for his accusers?
29. An orator who travelled with the high priest and elders and presented the accusations before Felix
30. In the charges, he described Paul as a _____, a creator of _____ among all the Jews worldwide, and a ringleader of the sect of the _____. He tried to profane the _____.
31. What statement did Paul cry out while before the Sanhedrin council in Jerusalem?
32. When Felix commanded the centurion to keep Paul, what did he allow?
33. Why did Felix and Drusilla send for Paul?
34. How did Felix respond to Paul?
35. What did Felix hope Paul would do?
36. Who succeeded Felix after two years?
37. How did Felix leave Paul? Why?
38. What favor did the high priest and chief men request Festus?
39. What was the real plan of the Jews for Paul?
40. How did Festus respond to the Jews’ request?
41. When did Paul come before the judgment seat of Festus?
42. Why did Festus ask Paul to go to Jerusalem?
43. Where did Paul believe he should be judged?
44. What was Paul trying to avoid by appealing to Caesar?
45. Why did Paul insist that he has the right to appeal to Caesar?
46. How did Festus respond to the appeal?
47. Who visited Festus in Caesarea who he related Paul’s case and how the Jews had informed him about Paul?
48. What questions was Festus uncertain about?
49. What was Agrippa’s response to Festus?
50. What did Festus’ finding in Paul’s case reveal?
51. What was Festus’ dilemma in which he found himself?
52. To whom Paul referred as “expert” in all customs and questions which have to do with the Jews?
53. In what city did Paul state that from his youth he spent with his own nation?
54. What sect had Paul been a part? What word did he use to describe it?
55. What did Paul see on the road to Damascus? What time of day?
56. After falling to the ground, what language did the Lord speak to Paul?
57. Why did the Lord appear to Paul?
58. To whom (what people) was Paul sent and for what purpose?
59. Who said, “Paul, you are beside yourself! Much learning is driving you mad!”
60. What was Paul’s reply?
61. How did Paul respond to Festus?
62. To whom Paul addressed the question, “Do you believe the prophets?” And what was the response?
63. What did Agrippa say to Festus?
64. To whom were the prisoners, including Paul, delivered to Rome?
65. Who were also sailing with Paul on his journey to Rome?
66. In what particular place Paul was treated by centurion kindly and allowed him to go to his friends and receive care?
67. Why did they sail under the shelter of Cyprus?
68. Where did the centurion find the Alexandrian ship?
69. What caused the ship to sail slowly for many days?
70. What was the name of the port near the city of Lasea?
71. Did the centurion heed Paul’s warning of a disaster?
72. Who told Paul, “Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar; and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you”?
73. What did Paul tell the centurion?
74. What did the soldiers do?
75. As Paul tried to convince them to eat, what did he assure them would not happen?
76. What did Paul do in the presence of all of them?
77. How many people were on the ship?
78. How did the rest get to shore? Did all escape safely to land?
79. What did the soldiers plan to do to the prisoners? Did the centurion go along with the plan?
80. What was the name of the island they escaped the shipwreck into?
81. How did the natives treat the shipwrecked travelers?
82. What happened to Paul while laying sticks on the fire?
83. What did Paul do to the creature?
84. Seeing that Paul suffered no harm, what did the natives think of him?
85. Who was Publius?
86. What happened to Publius’ father? What did Paul do?
87. How long did they remain on Malta? Why was a ship there?
88. Name three places they sailed to as they continued to Rome.
89. In these places Paul met his brethren and thanked God and took courage.
90. At Rome, to whom Paul was delivered to? What was he permitted to do?
91. How did the Jewish leaders in Rome react to Paul’s teaching?
92. What prophet did Paul quote when the Jews disagreed among themselves?
93. To whom had the salvation of God been sent?
94. How long was Paul there in Rome?
95. What did he continue to do?